
Friday, November 3, 2017

A Halloween Visit

We had a little Halloween fun earlier this month and tonight - All Hallows Eve - Samhain to be exact - we had a little more Hallloween fun.  Reedo had a hockey game he needed to go to in Anchorage to support the team - I didnt have to go since he wasnt playing and that left me alone at home with 3 Great Pumpkins!

But not for long!

Here are the pumpkins - I got them after the weekend carnival for $5.00 each - they were leftovers and needed to get used up.  I got out three bowls for the pumpkin bits - one for seeds, one for compost and one for cooking pumpkin.

Above shows the pumpkin that I drew a raven on in Sharpie Marker around my Wicked Raven logo.  you can see the seeds from this pumpkin in the bowl next to it.  Ill tell you how to roast them in a minute!  Yum!

And along came the girls!  These little beauties are Andrea (left) and Becca (right)  Andrea is a great friend and we call her our neice even though we arent blood we are family!  Becca is her Bestie and we are related to her somehow... its a 6 degrees kind of thing!  Both special!  

They dove right into the pumpkin carving.  It was a heap of fun and pumpkin!  Andrea is putting the cooking pumpkin in a bowl to be cooked later.  Stay tuned for that in another blog!

The girls helped make the decision to put a dragonfly on the second pumpkin.  They drew it freehand from an example on a coffee cup!  So creative and artistic - I wish!  I drew stick amoeba in high school thats how good my drawing is!

Above is the finished pumpkins - ready for the candles and enjoyment!  My raven looks like a seagull sort of - but it made us laugh and is a great memory point!

SO tonight you get a two-fer in the blog.  Above is the pumpkin seeds from two of the pumpkins - we didnt cut the third - saving it for the weekend. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and layer the pumpkin seeds in a cookie sheet with sides that has been coated with butter, oil or pan spray.  Sprinkle some sea salt over them and put them in the oven for 10 minutes.  Stir them with a spatula or turner and put them in the oven for 10 more minutes.  If they are looking roasted and golden brown take them out, if not give them 5 more minutes after another stir.  Once they are nicely roasted and golden brown take them out and let them cool.  Transfer them to a bowl and enjoy them to your hearts content!

While you are enjoying your pumpkin seeds enjoy your lovely carved pumpkins!

Happy Halloween!

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