The original tag never stays on - in fact I had apple trees that came one day and by the next day one of the tags was gone! I have no idea where it could have gone - the wind was blowing and we did have dogs running a muck in the area... so now I have to get out the apple tree paperwork and see what that one might be because I cant remember for the life of me!
Then I went to the local hardware store and got a small engraver (I think it cost me about $10.00) and I engraved the names of my trees on the flat surfaces and I am now using those to mark the plants! The engraver is hard to get used to and my engraving looks a little shaky - like I'm 100 years old and trying to write maybe, but it is readable and easy to do. Totally worth it!
This method also allows you to add a lot of information
about what you have - I add the year that the plant was added to the garden. That way you know how old a tree or plant is. You can engrave on both sides of the silverware - the Latin name and where you got the plant or tree.
They don't blow away, don't get brittle and break, the dog doesn't think they are fun to chew, and they wont burn or have the mark wash away! It's awesome and easy!
The knife is for a Cherry tree as is the spoon in the above photo. I got the forks in the first picture to do some of the apple trees! If you are at yard sales watch for this great silverware - you can sometimes git a box of mismatched silverware for a great deal!
I think it's one of the best ways keep track of what I have in the yard that I have tried yet - these Cherry trees were marked last year with these knives and spoons and they came through the winter beautifully - and I know exactly what I have!
Happy spoon shopping! And fork! And Knife! Or even a serving spatula! It all works!