This is one of those blogs that is better late than never - since it is predicted to snow here on Tuesday! That snow date is a little early for us which is what makes this almost an emergency posting! You gotta get those herbs indoors! One easy way that I do that is to plant the herbs in pots that can come inside after the summer is over.
The above is a 14" terra cotta pot that I have put sage, thyme, and apple mint into. The other plant is lemon cat mint that reseeded itself in the pot that I left out last year. It is wonderful stuff! If you have herbs in the ground or in other places, just dig them up and pot them and bring them in! Most of the time you wont even be able to tell that they have been recently transplanted!
This one has sage, thyme, and oregano. It looks really full right now but at the beginning of the summer these were just little 2" pot plant starts. You can crowd them a little from the beginning though or leave room for growth!
Here is another shot of the one with oregano in it. They live outside the greenhouse door during the summer, and then in the fall they come into the greenhouse for a bit (to make sure they are bug free) and then they come in the house. It makes the herbs available to use all winter as long as they are cared for well. You have to watch the water for these pots as they seem to need less once they are brought in for the first few weeks and then more as the indoor heat dries them out.
The only plant that I have not been able to mix into this type of planting is basil. Im not sure if it needs more room than this provides or if it needs a different watering schedule or what. I just put basil by itself and everyone else gets along great!
Don't be afraid to give it a try! Enjoy the tastes of summer all year long!