It is said that Dragonflies are messengers from heaven, bringing us messages from our loved ones who have run ahead. Bringing us comfort with their gentle touch, the zing of their wings, and the amazing ability they have to stay on a shoulder, hand, elbow or even eyebrow with a seemingly effortless ease. Being there for us. Just being there. It is very rare in the spring and summer when I am thinking of Rye that a Dragonfly does not come by to land on me and bring me a hello from him, or to comfort me with a little visit.
My cousin Joy Lynn is an artist! I have lots of family who are artists, in all varieties of medium, but Joy Lynn is an artist with paint and easel and water color and oils. The way Van Gogh and Starry Night was artistry - only better even!
My cousin Joy Lynn is an artist! I have lots of family who are artists, in all varieties of medium, but Joy Lynn is an artist with paint and easel and water color and oils. The way Van Gogh and Starry Night was artistry - only better even!
Joy Lynn painted this beautiful work and I don't remember what she called it, but I call it my"Girl in the Wind" and I have it hanging in my office at work. It reminds me to gather my blessings around me and look at whats going on around me as well for blessings. I know I can keep F'ing going when I look at this beautiful print. I know I can take a deep breath and get through the day, no matter what is swirling around me.....and hopefully be a nice lady too!
When I went to pick up the print of "Girl in the Wind" she also gifted me with the Dragonfly blessing that you see. An incredible original watercolor piece she calls "DragonRye". The pictures do not do either of these pieces justice, but know that they are incredible and vibrant. I was so moved and blessed by this gift and the story she told me about how it came to be. Rye woke her in the middle of the night - of course!
Here are Joy Lynn's words about how this DragonRye came to be.... such a precious gift for me with a message from my son it seems.
Here is something I painted in between currently working on commissioned pieces; as a gift for my cousin Lisa. It was a piece painted in love as a celebration of her son Rye’s life. I finished it a couple of days before the anniversary of his passing, which was three years ago. God moved me with compassion and I finally was completely unstuck creatively, except for a tiny drawing or painting here or there, but creativity didn’t flow easily it was hard work. But as God’s love flowed through me for my cousin I was finally able to paint this Dragonfly. I have been super stuck creatively for almost three years and this labor of love is the first time I have been moved so deeply with God’s compassion that I could paint and had to paint again. It was painted with love and sheer joy in between laughing and crying. So many wonderful emotions were felt during this painting’s journey.
Joy Lynn
Joy Lynn
She said that some of what look like water spots on the painting are actually her tears mixing with the colors and the paper to become part of the masterpiece.
Here it is in it's silver frame, gracing the wall of my home office right above my desk. I am hoping that she will have both of these made into fabric that I can use in quilts! Along with a couple of her other art pieces! I'm not sure I would be able to cut is though the fabric would be so beautiful!
including this one....

P.S. I want this one in fabric too!
I hope that you have someone in your life who blesses you with incredible art of some type and who helps to uplift you when you need it the most. Thank you Joy Lynn ~ Joyful Aspirations Blessed be.