Wednesday, September 11, 2024

That Gently Urgent Reminder - Love Your People! The Eighth Year.

 Some of you may have heard that I had a total hip replacement a couple weeks back.  Hence another long distance between posts.  I wasn't able to sit up well and do any of the things!   I did it on the Angelversary of Rye.  I thought it would be the perfect day for me to be knocked the "f" out for the day.  I talked (sort of) with the hubby and he ws as ok with it as we get for anyting on that day and I m pretty sure Rye didn't mind.  It is self care after all.

Getting in the car after surgery.  Went home day one! 

Feet up and stockings on!  Had to wear them for two weeks and no showers - only sponge baths!  I was so glad to get those off!  It seems that I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive used to put me back together and the best thing that I coulld use for a while was "paper tape" and guaze bandages which were also not really my friend right now.

This is a small sample of the blistering rash like issue I had!  SO healing has taken longer than I expected and by also not being able to lift anything right now - I have been relagated to binge watching and book reading - doesnt break my heart a lot.....unless I have too much time to think about ALL the things!

Hubby washed my hair for me!  A few times!

I have had lots of folks check in, bring food, visit and loan me items to use while I heal - at least from the leg.

Brix and Ike are less then impressed with this new blockage in their way of getting what they want and getting under my desk as close as possible!  They also are not impressed about beinglocked out of the bedroom - but I cant have them flopping on the broken leg all night when I cant move good!  They're getting used to it!

This was our 8th Angelversary and although Ike never knew you, I feel like Brix knows and remembers with us!  Being knocked the "f" out only put off the inevetible of remembering and grieving and some smiling this year.  Your Brother got married and has had his one month anniversary already!
Not my photo - wedding friends photo of the happy couple!  Beautiful!

We have moved a little forward with it now it seems, and we can talk a little more about you and memories of you.  The surgery day was not a "hard greif" day but it was only a small respite for all the rest of the days.  

There are still what I call "memory bomb" days where we are bombarded by memories and big, huge feelings, and emotions and ...... ALL the things.

Hockey speech you made - I think 2011.  What I wouldnt give for a recording of that - my only voice recording of you is you saying "Yeah!  YEr and A**hole!"  It does make me smile and laugh though too!

Today is also 9/11 - that terrible anniversary that also brings up a plethora of memories, memorials, and emotions from all over the world really as people make remembrance of the lives lost there.  I am lost in emotion myself because although I did not lose anyone in that disaster, I am reminded all day to remember the losses - you are included - my biggest loss.

We will march on into the 9th year - we already have.  We will remember ALL the things and we cherish the memories.  We will find a way forward and still keep you close.

I hope you have people to help you get through whatever life throws at you!

Today is only only one day.... tomorrow will be another... and on every day I hope you Love Your People no matter where they are in the Universe!

Blessed Be!