A couple months ago I had an opportunity to host one of my dear friends for a "practice" yoga session! She has been working on getting her Yogi certificate ( I think thats what it is called). She really is an amazing human and I also got to visit with one of my other favorite humans too - Toria!
I have known these girls since they were just little mini's as Toria was a neighbor and went to school with Reedo. Another neighbor and I took turns most of the school days being the "bus" drivers and she was one of the kids we took back and forth! Our bus started out 2.5 miles away from our houses and Reed and Toria were kindergardners when we first moved here. We later petitioned to get it closer. It ended up being in her front yard and only half mile from our house! But.....I digress as usual!
Now, I'm a total Noob when it comes to most things Yoga, except for some basics I have done via DVD (yes that is still a thing at my house), that relatives got me long ago. I have very few moves!
But, what I have done always made me feel better and my joints less stiff!
So - over to my house they came and we did a couple of classes and gave feedback and learned some of the moves and poses! It was very fun and I felt better afterwards.
And then....... fast forward a few months...... Tyra texted me that she was having her first class at the Big Lake Open Studio! I said "I'll see you there!" The open studio is a place that folks can rent the space for classes like our yoga, barre, and there have even been beading classes there! Fun!
SO I toodled off to the class (I have my own mat and everything)! It was wonderful and it was a great workout. I still cant do all the moves with my new hip and my other old joints but what I can do helps a lot and even my FitBit thought I was getting a workout!
There were a total of 7 of us at this first class, but I think the class will be full from now on! We were an excited group when we were done!
Sorry Jason! I had to show this one - becasue you are awesome at trying Yoga things and you kept us in it for the whole time!
When we were all done, we got to do the "corpse pose" which is hard for me becasue you just lay on your back and breathe and relax! What??? I do not relax easily but after doing the whole session (it was an hour long), I really was ready for some lay on my back and relax!
Then......Namaste! Thank the Universe with gratitude!
We have another session coming up this Saturday and next Saturday and hopefully more to come after that! I look forward to the loosened joints and the relax-ability!
May you have someone in your life that teaches the Yoga and the Relax, and may you see the Universe reflected in your Gratitude!
Breathe, Be Grateful, and Blessed Be!