Monday, November 26, 2012

More apples from Alaska

Using your apples from Alaska bounty is easy with many recipes that are simple to do using a crock pot.  This recipe works well for spiced apples and can be used for ice cream topping, as applesauce, in other recipes, and as pie filling!  Yum!
If you are out of Alaska apples, you can use the ones from the store as well.  When I run out of my own product I get the apples from the sale cart and they work wonderfully, and you are probably keeping them out of the land fill!
Start with your fresh Alaska apples, I used Carroll apples for this recipe as we had a lot of those.  Peel and core the apples (save the peels and cores for the worms - see next blog post for more about that)!
Place all of the apple product in your largest crock pot - this is an 8 - 10 quart pot.  The product will cook down so if you have some that wont fit you can add it as it cooks down.

Sprinkle the whole lot with cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar.  For this size pot I use about 1 cup of brown sugar to start and about a tablespoon of each of the spices.  Add in about 1 cup of water and let it cook on low for about 8 hours.  Sometimes I stir it but sometimes I'm not home and that doesn't happen and it doesn't seem to matter much.  If you have extra product, just add it in as it shrinks - about every two hours.  Add a little more spice and sugar as well when you add apple product.

When the apples are soft it is done!  You can can it as applesauce if you puree the mix.  I also like to put about 3 cups in a gallon Ziplock bag and place it flat into a pie pan and freeze it!  When you are ready to use it you just put the lot into a pie crust, sprinkle with flour, add a little water and bake for the required amount of time.  Easy holiday rescue plan - especially if you are doing potluck.   You can stack them in the freezer easily too!
I have used this as an add in to cake and muffins as well as a cookie called "Fresh apple cookies".  This makes it fast if you already have a jar or a frozen batch of spiced Alaska apples.
Fresh Apple Cookies
1 1/3 C. Brown Sugar
1/2 C. Butter
1 egg
1/4 C. milk
2 C. Flour (you can use rice flour as well - just cut the Brown sugar to 3/4 C.)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1 C. Spiced Apples or 1 Cup diced apples
1 C. nuts ( I have also used sunflower seeds and it is lovely)
1 C Raisens chopped small - optional but you'll miss them
Cream first three ingredients and add the rest.  Drop by large spoonfuls onto a baking sheet. bake in pre heated 350 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes.  This is a soft cookie so don't over cook.
Serve with fresh hot coffee or black tea!
Happy Holidays and Festive Baking!

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