Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day and the Clean Bathroom!

I have two sons - and a husband.  Not long ago one of my youngest posted a cartoon on my wall on facebook which of course I cannot find now; but it went something like this - two rolls of toilet paper being pulled either from the top or the bottom of the roll - and it said "the argument" and then below it was a roll of toilet paper not on a roll and that said "the reality"! It really is the reality at my house!  The boys cannot seem to get it that the toilet paper needs to go on the roll - not because the paper works better or rolls off easier - which it does but because IT LOOKS NICER!

When my oldest went out of state to play Juniors hockey, I did a little training with him so he would know how to put the paper on the roll - little training session during which he said "Mom, I KNOW how to do this!"  You do?  Then how come I am the only one who can seem to do it here in this house?  How do I know you can do it if you never have and you live here!  To which he replied "Yah - but it would be embarrassing to not do it when I'm a guest in someone's house!"  I made him practice it a few times to make sure he really did know how!

It also never fails that when I put the organic bowl cleaner in the bowl to clean the toilet, one of the boys goes in and uses the toilet, flushing all my pre soak away!

So today on Mothers day I hatched a plan to keep the bathroom clean and all to myself with the paper on the roll!  We have two bathrooms - they still had one to use:
 I hung this on the bathroom door, put the paper on the roll and the bowl cleaner in the bowl, wiped down the counters and then cleaned the bowl.  The boys avoided me/it like the plague!  There was something wrong with one of the bathrooms!  Stay away from it! Use the other one!

Throughout the day I would come in and use the bathroom, closing the door after so it would always seem to still be broken or "out of order".  Really it was "in order" and it stayed that way for the whole day!  Lovely!
At the end of the day when I was ready, I removed the sign and let the boys in!  My husband did ask what was wrong with the bathroom - of course after I took the sign down!  When he asked me I asked him why he didnt ask when I put the sign up and he said "if something was really wrong you would have told me, and I kinda didn't really want to know!"

My other bathroom was trashed and of course there was no toilet paper on the roll!

I really did have a great Mother's Day and I hope that you all did too!

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