Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A silence not so golden!

A  few years ago I put out ant bait.  The store bought stuff - raid style.  It was not my choice to do so but the sale of our old house depended on a home inspection and the home inspector said we had to use the ant bait.  We were given a list of options that we could use and I chose the one that seemed least likely to kill kids, dogs, birds, etc., and I also left the new homeowner a note and the label so she would be able to make informed decisions and adequately protect her kids and pets.

Upon moving to this Wicked Raven Farm location we realized that the same situation had occurred.  I didn't get to be the chooser of what went around the house or onto the ground.

I am re-reading Rachael Carson's "Silent Spring" and it is giving me eerie flashbacks to the first few mornings here at Wicked Raven.  No birds sang save for the loon song at the far end of the lake.  Yes - there were dead ants all over the place but....no songbirds.  Not even a raucous Raven which seem to always be near where my youngest son is.  If he is outside I can easily spot him by the ravens flying around or nearby.

  • Image result for silent spring

The Chickadees were silent as were the sparrows, junkos and swallows.  No Robins either.  Just silence.  It seemed like weeks before any of them started coming back even after I had hosed and scraped up every bit of ant killer I could find.

Today as I sit out on the third story porch and look out over the lake, I am stunned by the beautiful sounds of songbirds I hear and even the raucous Raven is there crowing at the Arctic Terns on the dock!  I am also sincerely afraid that not much has changed since Rachael wrote her book in the 1930's!  Almost 100 years ago and man is still struggling with the concept of harmony with nature.  There are pockets of us who stand against the wind and cry out against the use of chemicals but not nearly enough of us.

The Round up ad keeps playing like it's a marvelous product for a perfect yard.  Maybe we need to re-define what the perfect yard is!  Like I always say "if it will kill a dandelion, it will kill you!"  Eat them instead! Not that I think we should all eat ants, and I dont know how I would catch enough for a meal either, but there has to be a better solution than something that silences the songbirds!

If you have never read "Silent Spring" all of our local libraries carry copies of it, and it is really worth a read especially if you are concerned about the environment that we are leaving for the future generations, and how long the struggle has been going on!

I dont have a solution to the ant problem here still - ants are still everywhere!  If you have something organic that works well please let me know so I can try it!

Also check out the Rachael Carson Institute for more information on her amazing journey.  http://www.chatham.edu/rachelcarson/

I hope you have wonderful, songbird filled days!

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