Sunday, March 22, 2015

A little soap envelope!

Let's talk soap!  You may have noticed that soap is one of the most expensive items on the store shelves lately...or maybe it's just me!  Another thing we don't grow here at Wicked Raven is goats - hence I have to source my goats milk soap from a local goat grower who makes wonderful things with it...including goats milk soap, as well as some other wonderful flavors of soap - they're not all goats milk.  The goat grower and soap maker is Glad Heart Acres - at the farmers markets we all call them the "Glad Heart Girls" and everything they do is wonderful!  They also make a mean caramel Vanilla Grace tea!  It's a favorite and if you get a chance to get some you should at least try it, along with the Friendship Rose tea!  Delightful!  But I digress....

Since I am a big fan of good soap, when I get down to the tiny sliver at the end of the bar I want a way to use it all!  Along comes the little soap envelope!  These are a soap saver , and a great way to get the kids clean too!
  Super easy to make also -of which I am also a fan!

Start with a washcloth or two, square one from the target dollar rack is what you are looking at here!  You will also need a bit of ribbon or rope as well.  This particular piece of ribbon came attached to the top of a gift pack of soaps.  You only need 4-6 inches.

Cut the washcloth in half - did I mention that each washcloth makes two little soap envelopes?  Awesome!

Fold the cut (raw) edge in and iron it a little so it stays there.  Then fold the bottom up about 3/4 of the way to the top of the cloth, keeping the folded cut edge  in.

Fold the top edge down over the bottom edge all the way until they are fully overlapped.  Tuck both raw ends of the ribbon into the envelope opposite the folded in edge.  Sew down both sides of the little soap envelope, catching the ribbon ends in the seam as you sew.  Sometimes its easiest to start with that seam so you know you have it down.

Now just put in your soap slivers and scrub a dub dub!  You can use a whole bar of soap inside if you want and sometimes when you get to a certain point in an oatmeal soap bar its way more pleasant on your armpits and lady bits if you do that!  I have even had three or four flavors of soap slivers in my little soap envelope and it is still awesome!  Hang it up in the shower on one of the hooks, or wherever you regularly hang your washcloth.  Voila'!  No more wasted soap, and they don't fall down and clog the drain either...but that might just be me too!

Clean and blessed be!

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