Monday, July 31, 2017

Squash it! Go beyond the Zuchinni.

I am a fan of squash of all types and it grows well here at Wicked Raven Farm once we get it going!  I have always grown Zucchini here and we have fixed it a lot of different ways recipe wise.  Always a good filler or a side dish for us or in breads and cookies even.

This year I was turned on to a new kind of squash, and I had old Zucchini seed so germination was very poor for those - I just didnt get around to ordering new.  My Aunt Nancy had given us a few Grey Griller squash last summer to try from her plants and they were so wonderful that I did order seed for that this year so we could have our own!  Below photo shows one of the plants and you can just see a new squash forming in the center of the photo.

We do have to do some working at getting squash to grow here so they always get started indoors - either greenhouse or in the house and then usually they move out to the cold frame outside the greenhouse.  This year however, I didn't get the cold frame fixed from the rock-from-
the-mower-breaks-a-cold-frame-window incident, and the soil needed to be rotated out and I didnt get that done either so... the squash went into containers this time around and then I set them into the cold frame so they had a little wind protection at least.  They have done ok.  They are a little behind due to the cold spring and when I set them out I didnt put them in the cold frame at first and the wind broke off part of the plants and I had to start right over!  Second time is a charm for this crop!

Above photo shows two of the plants in the containers.  They are in plastic black pots and then set into the wooden "whisky barrel"  style containers.

This is a Grey Griller squash.  They are a bit smaller than the Zucchini but very tasty and they are easy to use.  Slice them about 1/4" thick and drizzle with oil on both sides.  Im not a very good drizzler though so I generally put the oil in a dish and dredge the squash through it.  Put it on a plate and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper and they are ready to grill.  We have also used Kodiak seasoning and separately we have used a little Hot Hawaiian salt on them and they are so delicious!  Have fun with it - use whatever seasonings you like. 

Grill for 10-15 minutes and serve with your meal.  We have a Traeger style grill oven so I don't get the grill marks but they work well on any type of grill.  We have also used the left over (there are rarely any left) on sandwiches like a tomato slice.  Yummy!!!  

You can get Grey Griller seeds from Territorial Seeds, Daves Seeds, or even Amazon.  Put this on your seed list for the next time you are ordering seeds.  You will not regret it!

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