In the show, a small boy who had lost his friend to a fire was asked what he would say to her if he could tell her anything and he said "I would say that I am sad that she is gone and I would thank her for being kind".
"I would thank her for being kind"..... exactly. I have been blessed by so many kindnesses on this journey we are on, by so many people. Some even from people I didn't know. I have made some new friends from this journey, and some old friends have left my life - on journeys of their own or just away from the awful "hard" that is sometimes us now. Some have stayed and become better friends than before and slogged through it with us, sometimes dragging us along so we stay the course. Sometimes helping us up out of the muck that tries to drag us under occasionally. Gently and kindly showing us light.
I Thank You for being Kind!
The kindness shown to my Reedo when it seemed that he was struggling to go on and we feared he might not finish high school, or life.
The small kindness shown to me every day from some of Rye and Reeds friends; a story of Rye or Rye and Reed that comes late at night in messenger. The good stories, of good things and good times. The Giver story. The 4 Wheeler jump video. The "mat shot" video. The wedding toasts that remember Rye as part of the group even though now in spirit. The original picture of happy guys that is one of my favorites, so that I would have the best quality picture. Which I have downloaded incorrectly here so this is not the best one!!! All Good as they say!

The text to ask how I am doing out of the blue when people know somehow that I am having a struggle. Or sometimes even when I am not - just that little "ping" of kindness during the day (or night) that lets me know you are there.
The CD with a beautiful song of loss and hope sent with a beautiful note at Christmas time - one of the hardest times for a loss parent.Which I play throughout the year when need to hear that I am not alone.
The kindness of people at the Garden of Reflection where we placed the plaque for Rye. I am in awe of them every day that they can help families to do that "hard thing" with such kindness and gentle grace. I thank you for being kind.