Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Google - What am I having for dinner?

I have been really struggling lately to come up with great recipes that everyone will like - or that won't leave so much leftovers that Hubby and I can't eat it all or even freeze it all when there are no kids on our horizon (Reedo being out of town, or staying at his own place and not raiding our fridge)!  There are rules to be followed about what and how things get cooked - not too much fish, no "slimy chicken" (meaning has to have crispy crust or skin), and not too much "soupy" items.  We aren't really picky - we just like what we like and we like good food!

I have also been trying to eat more veggies, and produce from our garden which has done really well this year - especially in the cabbage and squash and green bean categories!

Menu board in the baking zone of the kitchen - its a hot mess right now!  Processing apples, berries, beans and tons of cabbage!  Stay tuned for kraut making soon!

So on a whim and jokingly, I Googled the main ingredients I had on hand (pork ribs, cabbage, and squash) and said "What am I having for dinner?"

Here is what came up!

It really works!  I actually made the Country Pork Ribs and Cabbage and it was delicious!  We used the squash for a side dish.  Definitely a keeper and we even ate the leftovers!  It used up some of the bounty from the garden in a great way and was easy to prepare.  So far this week I have made two new recipes that I have found this way.  It's a little like a Chopped mystery basket except that you get to choose the ingredients!  It seems to work for just about any ingredient - there are an overwhelming amount of chicken recipes - and you can even find hot pepper recipes!  I also added "for two" at the end of part of them and that worked well for some smaller portion recipes.

By the way - Mucho Nacho Peppers are a Jalapeno varietal - they are mucho hotter though!  Tasty but hot!

I'm not always sure that "Dr. Google" knows what he is talking about when I am looking up symptoms, (we've all done it!) but I sure am liking "Chef Google" and his big ideas today!

Give it a try with some of the things from your garden, fridge or freezer (you can even Google leftovers that you have to re-purpose them)!

Enjoy the process, the produce and the pleasure of the new that you will add to your menu!

Be well and Blessed be!

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