Friday, May 14, 2021

A Wicked Design!

 I was finally able to finish the design, pattern, and uploads for the newest Wicked Raven Design!  Introducing Wayfarers Star!  This is the second pattern of my original designs.  I call my pattern designs my "utter quilt bravery"!  They have required the most from me as far as creative bravery and learning new things technology wise.  

This is a big block - 18"!  I love how this block comes together and all the different colorways that can be done!

Check it out on my ETSY site Here!

My first pattern is also available on the ETSY Site too!  It is called "Twisted Star".  Twisted Star is a 12" block.  It was my very first moment of utter quilt bravery!  This is the block I agonized over and made umpteen copies of before I called it done.  I still hesitate about my designs because I dont consider them "perfect", but nothing ever is!

A friend a few years ago told me "put it out there"!  All of your time and the beauty will be wasted if you died tomorrow afraid to publish your work!  That goes for quilts, books, poetry, and just about anything that we do.  Creativity wasted when we arent brave enough to put it out there!

My process is pretty simple.  I start with a notebook of graph paper that I have pretty full of started designs.  It is a bit of a mish-mash of organized chaos and items that spark something inside my creative soul;  A piece of a tee shirt with a tree on it, an ad from a magazine that has the sea and a spark of sun, or just pages that I have begun an idea on.

I have my "travel set" of colored pencils in a pencil pouch with a sharpener and a few markers for when I need a quick grab and go pack, or when I am toting it around the house (like watching movies and making design notes).

I have a couple different rulers in the front of this particular design book as it is the one that I use the most.  I keep them in place with the sticky velcro so they are easy to remove and put back.

And then there is the design basket in the sewing room, with extra graph and notebooks, markers, pencils, sharpeners, and even a coloring book in case my creativity is stuck!

I use Electric Quilt 8 for part of my design, or sometimes to print templates for testing.  (one of the new things I have learned/am learning technology wise).  I also use MS Word to write the patterns out for publishing and copyrighting.  I used another pattern I had purchased as my sample for what it need to look like.  Remember to put the Copyright information on your pattern!

Copyright process is pretty simple once you know how it works.  I know it sounds like it would be complicated, but once you are on the site at 

You can register for an account and you can do the whole copyright process in there, including uploading most of the materials there for completion.  For quilt patterns I have had to send an actual physical copy of the item to the Library of Congress for "deposit proof" purposes, but they seem to be using that less and less and just using things that can be uploaded online.

The copyright process does take time after you have uplosded all your information and "proof".  I have one that is in the process since January of 2021 and I am still waiting for "completion" on it.  Covid has slowed things down at the Library I have heard.  

There is nothing like the feeling of when you get your first copyright certificate!  Such satisfaction!

Just begin!  Start your book, your design, your poem!  Be utterly bold and brave!  Be blessed!

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