Monday, March 28, 2022

Of Ike and Men- the adventure begins!

Every once in a while it seems like the fates throw something good and unexpected (although maybe challenging) into our lives - and this time it threw us a friend for Brix as well!  Meet Ike! 

Ike is about 12 weeks old in this picture and weighs 29 pounds!  He is part American Bulldog and part Bull Mastiff.  He will be huge!  The vet says he will probably weigh between 115 and 120 pounds by the time he is one year old!  Holy Cow Hubby brough home a serious dog!

And he gave him to me for Valentines day!

The runt of the litter, Ike was living with a friend who had two of these dogs.  He had a stroke and the family decided they could only keep one of the puppies and so....

Check those feet! They are huge!

He is a very snuggly baby though and has no idea of his own size!

He is also a pretty good sleeper most of the time....although sometimes his middle of the night ends up being in the middle of the day and vice versa!  Its like having a two year old!  He also cries when he is going to sleep - he will be so tired but he doesnt want to go to sleep so he tries to keep himself awake by crying.  So pitiful!

He is a great little big friend for Brix too, especially since we had to put Ripley down and Brix had been so lonely.  Brix has been a somewhat reluctant friend most of the time starting out.  He is not sure he wants a friend who lives with us - he wants all the treats and attention for himself!

 Ike also keeps Brix and us really moving a lot more often than we were though.  Not a bad thing!

This is what Brix looked like waiting for Ripley right after we helped her cross the rainbow bridge- he would wait on the porch for hours, like she was going to come down the driveway at any time.

Sewing has had to change a bit since Ike likes to sleep right on my feet and sometimes on the sewing machine presser foot!  He has made a tangle of my machine thread a number of times - just trying to get comfortable under the table or chair.

His first visit to the Vet and they got out a cheese board and put some of the spray cheese on it to keep him busy while they gave him his vaccinations!  I laughed so hard!  He never even noticed anything while he was attacking the cheese!  He really likes the Vet!

Brix has his "spot" on the couch in our "movie watching positions" and Ike had wanted to have a "spot" also.... We had to make a rule that we couldn't have both dogs on the couch on top of me at the same time!  I nearly drowned in dog!

Brix is getting more used to him after a few weeks now and doesn't mind that he wants to share the blankets!

Ike sits very well and is very "food motivated".  Aren't they cute!  Winter is not the ideal time for house training a puppy, but we are working on it!  He is slowly getting the hang of things, and we are learning to close doors before we leave.

Gramma G lets him on the couch with her.  This was when he was only 32 pounds and she could pick him up.

This is a few weeks later at 45 pounds!  Hubby helped him onto her lap!  She still likes Ike!

We all like Ike - even though he does chew some shoes and the bathroom rugs, and we came home the other night and it looked like they had thrown a "frat party" in the house!  

He has been a blessing, and we are actually looking forward to having adventures with him and Brix again.  Stay tuned for the further adventures of Brix and Ike - there will be many!

  May you have easy days and many blessings.

Blessed Be!

1 comment:

  1. You may have a giant tubby there, but you will never find a bigger lover ever. I miss my pittie girl so much. She wasn't big in size but she ruled the roost. Lorded over two big dogs and two spiteful cats. And insisted that there was always room for her next to me in the recliner. She rode shotgun everywhere with me. These breeds just have built in comedy relief attitudes.
