Monday, October 31, 2022

Naughty Ike Eats Iron

I came home to an empty house the other day, and although its not unusual for Hubby to not be home, it IS unusual for him to take both dogs with him!  Brix is getting older and can't get into the car himself anymore.  Car rides make him sore and he is laid up for days because of it.

And then I found this.....
What you are seeing here is a brand new cord, a chewed up washcloth, and an herbal guidebook - somewhat chewed.  I wondered what the heck the cord was from?

And then there was this!!!!!
If you look in the middle of the blankets, you will see an iron - yes an iron for fabric!  Chewed into pieces!  Literally chunks of it all over the floor!  That is where the cord came from as well.  It is a specialty iron - sharp on the front and rounded in the back - for applique and for making sharp corners in blocks.  You can also see on the floor in front of the blankets the box that I stored the iron in all the time!  Taking it out and using it, then putting it carefully back in its storage box until the next time.

I do that, you see, because 4 years ago - and the reason I have two irons - one a specialty one, is that we had an earthquake, and my iron was destroyed.  I asked for one for Christmas and I got two - Im that lucky!  One a daily driver, and this special applique and corner/edge iron.
There is also this..... all the contents out of my sewing box, including the box lining, and whole box of pins, and a couple of pens!

And this....
You can see the upside down sewing box, and an entire full sized quilt batting - Shredded!!

Not one bit of it useable.  I had to use a magnet to get all the pins up and it took two garbage bags to clean up all the other stuff from everywhere!

In order for him to get ANY of this stuff, he had to open the sewing room door (thank you paddle handle doorknob).  He had to get the iron (in the box) out from under the sewing cabinet, open the box (aka tear it up) and then chew the iron to bits!

So now we have this!  Not only does he have to get the door open, he has to get through the baby gate that is nailed into the door frame!  Ike still thinks he can't jump that high.  He can open a box and eat an iron but imagines himself unable to jump!?!  Unbelievable!  What kind of dog eats an iron???  Naughty Ike does that's who!

What?  Me?  I didn't do anything!  Brix knows better and he doesn't like it!  Brix does not like Naughty Ike's Adventures and the stress that it brings to the house!  Why can't we all just get along and not eat moms stuff?

May you be blessed with better dog adventures, and if you're not, may the dog only eat the stuff that belongs to the guy who brought him home!!

Blessed be and chewed up free!

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