Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Best Wedding Ever!!! The Kids Did A Thing Round Two!

It was a glorious day!  The Wedding Day had finally arrived! The dress, the shoes, the hair -all perfect!

Reedo so handsome in his wedding threads!  This is a preview picture from a few days before the actual event.

Here he is without the jacket - still so handsome, just a little more casual for the reception maybe....

The full on reception attire!  Remember this - it will be funny later!

Hubby trying on his finery - yes it is Camo - the kids said we could because it matched my dress!
So we got ready to go - Early!  I looked in the mirror as I brushed my hair and I painted the last coat of polish on my toes - not a perfect match for the dress but with my fancy shoes - perfect for the day!

In case you missed it - those are the fancy shoes and the fancy hair!

Out the door we went..... got 5 miles away and hubby realized he forgot his wallet at home!  "Will I need it?"  "I dont know!  Why would you?"  "I dont know!  We better go get it just in case!"  So much for being on time for everything!  So we went back and got the wallet and when he went in the house, Naughty Ike was so excited that he was back that he smudged Hubby right in the crotch with a giant drool of goo as only a Mastiff can do!  Ugh!  Cleanup on aisle 1!

After the cleanup and getting the boys back in the house - of course they escaped - we hit the road again - only a little but late and I texted the kids that we were running late but on our way!  I was frustrated but not panicked - we would make it before everything started!

Until...... Road Construction!!!!!  Road construction with a pilot car on our One way in, One way out road!  20 minutes stopped the first time, them moved about 500 feet and 20 more minutes wait!  Horrors!

By now I am in panic mode!  It is 80 degrees and the car has no AC and I can feel my perfect hairdo soaking up the heat and frizzing completely!  Im wearing a faux velvet dress with a silk liner and Im sweating where ladies don't mention!  Hubby is also not happy - heat, sweat, wait & late....not a good combo for any man!
We just breathe......hold on and just breathe!
 Then we race to the wedding....as fast as the jalopy will go - and the law!

We were on time!  The beautiful kids had some hiccups too and so we were all able to be there for all the things!  Whew!

They started out by saying their personal vows to each other in a private ceremony before all the guests got there.  It was so beautiful and heartfelt!  I only cried a little, but I was so proud of them for making this choice and for the words of love that they said to each other!  It was truly a personal and deeply loving ceremony!
We also got some pictures taken before the ceremony too.  
Here they are in front of all the friends and family saying almost traditional vows.  It was humor, love and blessings all rolled into a truly beautiful ceremony - with a few comedy skits in it!  I laughed and cried - I think all the grown ups in the area who know us and Reed did!  Keyona's people too!

The happy couple after the wedding part was done and now onto the party part!

Me with Keyona after the wedding!  That is her reception outfit - mine is the green dress that I will wear again for another something!  Its comfortable and really wasnt too hot until.....

It is now 82 degrees! I am once again sweating where ladies shouldnt sweat! I am on the porch in the shade with one of my best girls Tyra Bogert!  She is amazing and beautiful and was willing to hold my hand and cry like we planned it like two old ladies at the wedding should the need arise - thankfully it didn't - we did good!

Note Reeds current reception outfit!  Way too hot for the Humphreys today!  NO pants!
After changing to my reception outfit (much cooler and air circulating) the mother son dance with my sweet son to the song he chose for us!  "I Thought You Should Know"  by Morgan Wallen 

Its the perfect song for us - lots of meanings and memories in that song!  I never thought the prayers were wasted - ever - and she is a lot like me.....  I love them both!

Hubby with our neice RaeRae.  Not sure if they are Captain Morgan or ??? They were enjoying the day - it had poured down rain for almost the whole week and we prayed for just one day of sun for the wedding!  We got the best day of the year!  Side note - Hubby did throw his back out a bit after this dancing with the best man Logan - and maybe running from the Groomsmen who wanted him to ride the mechanical Salmon!

Beautiful table settings for the reception!  They had such amazing settings and decorations, and the food was the bomb!  Keyonas stepdad and family made smoked brisket that was so delicious along with beans and potato salad like a big bar b que! They also had a Charcuterie Table!  It was amazing! I forgot to get a picture of the awesome spread!
All the groomsmen!  Not one bird (Rye Sign) showing here!  Aren't they all so handsome and appropriate!  We flipped the bird way less today than usual at gatherings, not sure why or maybe we just missed getting them in pictures today?  Sadly (lol) there was also no naked at this wedding or reception!  Word got around that Nana (Reeds Gramma) forbade it - and the streakers wife may have too..... only the streak knows!

The memorial table.... I always have mixed feelings about these at weddings, but I have come to understand that it is a way to have the physical presence there... even if in pictures.  We always have them in spirit - dragonflies abounded all day throughout the ceremony too.... and

They were with us today.  All of our people.

The happy couple on the mechanical salmon!  This was so fun to watch - I did not ride it as I currenlty have a hip that needs replacing - this was what Hubby was running from the Groomsmen to avoid riding!  The video is hilarious!  It wont load here so you will just have to believe me!  It was Reeds one request for the reception - a mechanical Salmon!  

We are anxiously awaiting the professional photos from the day - might see the bird more in those!  I will update when we ge them...

I hope you have sun, love, and great memories for all of your events..... Blessed Be!

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