Sunday, August 13, 2017

The further adventures of The People Quilt!

A few months ago I introduced you to the People Quilt - A wonderful comfort quilt made for me by my family members and delivered to me at a family quilt retreat.  I said it was going to be my personal version of "Flat Stanley" in quilt form and it has been!  So far it has had a few adventures - most recently it went with me and mom to a medicinal plant class in Palmer called "Herbal Helpers for Tumultuous Times".  The class was an overnight at  "Artemesia Acres" off of Farm Loop Road and part of the "Good Earth Garden School".

The class was wonderful - we did some crafts using flowers and fabric (right up mom and I's alley), we made some food, and we learned how to harvest and use devils club which is something I have always wanted to do but wasn't quite brave or knowledgeable enough to do.  We tested out Ellen's new sauna (it was delightful), and we also shared great company with 17 other people who are like minded in wanting to know more about medicinals and plants.  It was badass!  Ill have more on that later in another blog - stay tuned!

Here it is in the tent with mom.  We took a blow up mattress along as well and I had a little fleece blanket that I had also taken to use underneath me.  The blow up mattress was great but it has one small problem - it had flocking type material on the top and so everything stuck to it!  We decided next time we use it we will bring a sheet to put over it to prevent being stuck to the mattress all night in one position!  Who woulda thunk it?  Not us!  It was beautiful weather - 80+ degrees during the day, but at night it got right chilly and the humidity was up so everything drew damp!  By 5:30 in the morning mom had had enough and she got up - I didn't realize it at the time but she was cold!  I would have shared the people quilt if I knew because I was toasty warm, but I though she had to go to the bathroom.  

After the class was over and we were wrapping up the tent and our things the People Quilt got a little show n tell.  Some of the ladies who knew I was struggling commented that there is sure a lot of people who love you - and it is true.  Literally a blanket of love!

Stay tuned for further adventures of the People Quilt!

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