Thursday, December 28, 2017

A Noble Viking!

Christmas is hard for us here at the Farm since the loss of our son - and it is hard for us to find gifts for each other that are meaningful and memorable.  Sometimes we get each other a BIG gift that is for multiple events, like a birthday/Christmas - it has to last a while!

This year Christmas has been harder.  Last year we were in a fog that buffered us from the memories of Rye, the small memories like smells and songs and his favorite Christmas cookie.  This year the fog is gone and we have a time getting through each day of the "celebration time" as upright humans.

My husband this year did a ton of homework, talked to a ton of people who know me, and bought me a lifetime gift.  A gift with so much thought and love that I could hardly believe it!  I got a noble Viking!  No not the Netflix kind - this kind:

It is a Viking/Husqvarna Model 6000 from 1976.  It is completely rebuilt and is heavy duty - the friend who helped Chad buy it for me lives in Glenallen and does embroidery and sewing for a living (part of the time - hes a Jack of all trades) said it would sew anything from pantyhose (which I will NEVER do) to Carharts and leather (which I might do on the RARE instance).  Mostly I will be getting some quilting done and a lot of it!

The Hubby even said that I got it because "you haven't been naughty this year" - which means that I have been REALLY NICE! 

I hope that your year has been REALLY NICE and that your New Year isn't naughty either!  Blessings on the New Year to all.

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