Thursday, July 5, 2018

Mamas new yard cart!

Yard carts here at Wicked Raven are a hot commodity!  You can do all kinds of things with them - haul garbage, kids, grass clippings, bricks and pavers, and firewood among other things.  Yard carts can be specialized for the purpose they are needed - like the one below. 

It is my moms yard cart (one of them), it is designed to cart flats of plants around their yard, or pots of plants.  They built it low so no one has to lift anything too high, and they can leave the flats on the cart and just take them out when they plant them.  My dad built it for her.

Until recently, this was my yard cart!  Yes - it is missing some tires, and some other parts also.  We wired the handle back on so I could use it, but it is very difficult to use and things fall off it, and you have to find a something to prop it on so that is doesn't fall over or things don't fall off of it. 

The reason it is missing parts is that it was incorporated into  a Go-Kart a few years ago - a Go-Kart that needed tires, pins, an axle and some other parts.  The GO-Kart ran pretty well until it started blowing tires because the horse power to tire ratio was off somehow and the yard cart tires arent designed for that type of torque!  

Above is a shot of one of the tires - its blown.  Its partner got chewed up by Brix the dog - you remember the naughty tree chewer from earlier.  Brix thinks these tires (off the rim) are the perfect frisbee type items for him to retrieve and to chew a little.  There was no putting them back on the yard cart.   I do have a wheel barrow and a little rolling cart that is round - I think it is a wheeled garbage can really.   I also have a little wheeled cart that works great for holding stuff and not falling over, but it has such low ground clearance that it can't be taken every where.  None of them are great for some of the stuff I am trying to get done.  The wheel barrow falls over if I overload it - which is often, and the little rolling garbage can is just that - little.  Not complaining - I use each of them on the regular but.... things would be easier with a decent yard cart!

Ta Da!  Mamas new yard cart!  Reedo saw me struggling with the old cart and for Mothers day and our 26 year Anniversary he got us a new one (mostly for me but.... you know)!

It is the top of the line Gorilla Cart.  Turns on a dime and holds a ton of stuff!  Never has to be propped up and has a dump handle - just like a dump truck!  Yes - I could do an advertisement for them.  I have been able to do some sweet projects (mostly yarding out the rhubarb patch and weeding - and carting off the debris) with this bad boy already and have some more lined up for the coming days.  Can't wait!

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