Saturday, July 21, 2018

Pieces of Life - a quilted comfort

It is never easy - this life we strive to live.  We strive to be happy and healthy and wealthy and most of us strive to be wise.  It is never easy.  No easy button.  

Some days are easier than others.  Some days just plain suck.  

It is that way for all of us it seems - even those who are the brightest stars in our universe have bad days and wish for the easy button once in a while.  Sometimes the best we can hope for is comfort.

I quilt often now, not just because it soothes me (and I have a great new sewing machine), but because sometimes my creations soothe others, and they also make great gifts!

Recently, I had a friend who went through a year or two of absolute hell.  Not the same hell as mine, but ... 6 of one....  She needed some comfort and some love, and some rest.

So a comfort quilt was begun.

I got the 9 patch blocks at the great estate sale that my cousin took me to - yes there were over a hundred  9 patch blocks in a little shoe box sized box!  The hundred were 6" blocks in all different colors.  I think that she may have belonged to an exchange group to get all of these - traded with other people.  

I paired them with "Snowball" blocks of all different floral patterns.  Scrappy and random are hard for me - I usually prefer an organized pattern with color continuity!  But this quilt and all of its random perfection reminded me of a saying - when life hands you scraps (or falls to pieces) - pick up the pieces, sew them back together and wrap up in them!  Pieces of life!

So the pieces of life quilt went to my friend who needed it to wrap up in, to gather up the pieces of her life and take some comfort and rest.  

And I was comforted by the sewing and quilting.

March on.  Be blessed.

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