Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Quilt Wars!

I fell in love with this sea animal fabric!  I have since made three baby quilts with it and I will be working it in smaller amounts into another large quilt that I am working on.  The colors are so warm and yummy and they are soothing for me to work with.  Every time I look at the animals I choose a new favorite it seems.  FIrst was the octopus, and then the seals, and then the Narwhals and the Polar Bears.  I dont think there is a bad one in the bunch.

This is the Hoonah Quilt.  Made for the new baby of my people who live in Hoonah, Alaska now.  Hoonah is near Juneau, which is the Capital City of Alaska.

I was trying to make the pattern make a whirligig - which it did not end up doing but it is still a wonderful little boy quilt and is a very different pattern for me with the offset animal blocks (I usually like everything to be centered and even).   OCD anyone?

This is the second of the quilts I made - these are for my neices sons.  They are 2 years old and 4 months old.  I made them semi-matching - they are the same pattern just with different color fabrics to go with the sea animal fabric.

BAM seems to like his very well.  I made a quilt for the wedding of his parents and he had taken it as his own.  Every night he would go and get it to sleep with.  Quilt wars of sorts! So now he has his own quilt to use - no more quilt wars with Mama!

He is so happy to have it!

Here is the octopus block.  You can see why it is a favorite - although you can see that I missed quilting the other line across this block!  Oops!  I love how the orange and golds of the fabrics just work together with my favorite blues and greens.

 Here is the third of the sea animal quilts - the almost matching one from above.  This is a smaller version and I changed the star point and the sashing colors.

A little detail of the Killer Whale block - like I said all of the animals are wonderful and the pictures don't do them justice!

But these two do prevent the nightly quilt wars - we hope!  I have a wonderful memory of Rye and the quilt we got from my Grandmother (dads mom) for our wedding.  

He would come and get it every night and I would go get it every morning.  We did that for about a year and he finally came in and said "Momma!  This is MINE!!!"  and he marched out with it.  He was not short on quilts as Im sure you can imagine.  So the quilt war ended with him keeping the wedding quilt in his room.  He took very good care of it and I have it back now.  It is worn and needs the binding replaced, but it holds such special memories both of Rye and my Grandmother.  She is the one who taught me to quilt.  

SO if you have a quilt that you love and your child loves just as much - share it until they have their own, or just let them keep it.  You will not regret it.  Ever.

Blessed be.

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