Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The new face of Yoga? aka Twister with dogs!

A few years ago - ok it was three - three years ago- it was recommended that I start doing some meditating or yoga daily along with my writing and quilting so as to have some "intentional exercise and meditation".  To help me sleep, wake, function, and hopefully keep my blood pressure down a little.

So I put "yoga mat" on my Christmas list that year.  Sister in law had my name that year and got me the whole shebang - yoga mat, dvd's with beginning and medium yoga workouts, and some flip cards too, just in case the yoga lady moves too fast through a pose and I can't figure it out by watching the dvd - don't laugh - it happens!

I started getting up 15 minutes early to do a few beginner moves on the yoga mat in my office.  Everyone else was asleep, just me and the dogs doing some yoga.

That was the plan anyway!  I got everything dialed in and ready, started my dvd and as soon as I sat down to do the criss cross applesauce pose (my own name for it not the dvd), Ripley - the old lady dog decided that the mat looked like a great place for her to lay as well!  I could see her thinking "I knew we should go back to bed today - I like this bed - its very easy to get onto".

I was able to do a few poses with Ripley before Brix needed to join - I'm sure he was saying "She's taking the whole mat mom- hey!  What are we doing?  I can do downward dog - I am a dog!"
So then there were two.... dogs on the mat.....

I was able to do the Tree pose and part of a Warrior pose with both of them sitting on the mat but that was about all, and it ended up being more of a Twister with dogs event than a yoga workout!  My Downward Dog ended with more of a face licking contest to see who could get the most licks in and was mostly frustrating and not relaxing!  In the summer time I can do the yoga outside and that works pretty well on the lawn with the dogs because they get distracted by other things in the yard - I'm not the only entertainment.

They were both a little sad that I didn't stay and snuggle with them on the mat.  Now I do the yoga while they are outside on their own morning missions in the yard.  Yoga is once again a serene and calming morning routine, and I have discovered that I really like yoga, but I might be too old for Twister!

Blessed be no matter your workout!

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