Monday, March 16, 2020

Sanitizing everything!?

Ok - So the world has Corona Virus and has gone mad - at least the parts of it that I have laid eyes on.  Folks hoarding toilet paper, hand sanitizer and baby wipes, and stores limiting what can be purchased at one time or in a day (membership clubs).  Hubby's Gramma was in a store in the Lower 48 and she said there wasn't even a can of Lima beans on the shelves - even the "yukky beans" were gone she said!  Our Alaska stores haven't got that bad yet but it could happen depending on how long this goes on, and there is no toilet paper or cleaning supplies to be found anywhere apparently! The hubby has been really happy that I use the 5 gallon bucket system of food storage!  Read about that here - don't get caught without in the next crises! 

Here is part of my bucket system - along with a crock pot and a smallish bag of flour that needs to go in the flour bucket!

If you have been a regular reader you know that I work at a Junior Senior High school, and currently our school is closed to children and will be for at least a few weeks more.  We are working on solutions for distance learning with a large group of people, some of whom don't have internet even, as well as how to feed that group of kids who rely on the school meals to make it through a week on limited budgets!  We will have days where our social distancing will not be an option, and where we will have to have people in close proximity to us.  We are doing everything we can to minimize exposure and maximize customer service in our building, and in our businesses as well!

I always have wet ones, or wet wipes on hand as well as those little personal packs of tissues to hand out to whomever needs one (thanks Mom!).  I have not however, been a fan of hand sanitizer.  It has a funky commercial chemical smell that does not please my nose, makes me want to barf,  and makes me cringe to even see people use, especially kids with their sensitive little skins.  Enter Nana - my mom.  Making her own hand sanitizer and sharing the recipe with us - and anyone she knows.  SO I am passing along the good fortune and sharing it with you!

Home Made Hand Sanitizer
2/3 C alcohol - ever clear works if they are sold out of rubbing (no flavors)
1/3 C Aloe Gel - I only had the after sun kind which already has alcohol in it so my batch is very strong!  Use plain if you can - not the after sun.
5 drops of Tea Tree oil (Melaleuca)***
5 drops of lavender oil
*** I used the 4 thieves oil blend in mine and also a few drops of Purify blend instead of the Tea Tree.

Mix it up (I used the glass jar with plastic lid to mix and store) then put it in a spray bottle or a pump (empty lotion or pump soap bottle) and then use when you need it!

Here is one of the great things about this stuff - it is easier on your hands and skin, and you can use it to sanitize just about anything!  I use it on my counters at work with no problem and I have also used baby wipes and put this stuff in the wipe package to make sanitizing wipes!  You know, for when the hoarders got to the store before you could!  It works great!
In case you can't find wipes in your store either, you can make those too using paper towels, baby oil, baby soap and water.  Cut a roll of paper towels in half so the round stays intact. You can also use a stack of the fancy paper napkins if you can't get paper towels.   Mix up;
2 C warm water
2 Tbsp Baby wash
1 Tbsp Baby oil

Put one of the paper towel roll halves in an empty coffee tub (like a folgers plastic tub) or in a tupperware or Ziploc tub - you get the idea - and pour your solution over the top.  Put the lid on and let soak for an hour then turn upside down and let soak for an hour.  Take the cardboard roll out of the middle and pull your wipes out the middle of the roll.  Save the other half roll for another batch later! 

If you can't get paper towels - coffee filters will work as well!  Not quite as soft but still work great!

You're all set!

I hope that you all can stay well and happy and can connect with your family and your creativity during this crazy time in our world.  

May you be blessed with good friends, great communities, and sharing neighbors.


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