Monday, April 20, 2020

How much is 15 minutes - time enough - the quarantine episode

This pandemic has given us all something we have all longed for for years and years- Time.  We have time at home, and time with each other - even those of us who are working from home, both jobs, and making masks, and starting plants for our garden and the school garden have some time now.

Time that we aren't driving in the car, running here and there on made up excuses for why we need to go there.  Time that we aren't in the stores, looking at things and buying things and putting off spending time on hard things.  Don't get me wrong, there are things that cannot be put off, and I know that shopping and banking and driving does have to be done sometimes.  I know too, that this pandemic has given us some fear, loneliness, angst, anguish, grief and sorrow, but this pandemic has also given us time.

Time to get out those boxes of old pictures and go through them - scan the good ones onto the computer, laugh about the bad ones or the ones with the heads cut off, and the ones you cant figure out what they are maybe can go now, and make room for new pictures of "how I spent my Pandemic", or what I did during my "school pandemic".

Time to start that craft project - and maybe finish it, I know I am not the only one who has a lot of UFO's aka UnFinished Objects!  From the garden to the greenhouse and the shed, the kitchen, the office, the list goes on and on - not even counting the quilts I have started and yet to finish.

Time to start that garden - even if it is a few containers full of flowers or veg - green things make people happy!

Time to learn those computer apps that we didn't have time to dive into and use before - Facetime with your loved ones - host a Zoom meeting with them, connect and conversate.  Its not a hug from your loved ones but you will use these programs again.

New Cabbage Salad I tried - we like it - recipe will be posted soon!

Time to make those recipes that we set aside and say "Ill make that someday - for a special occasion!"  Make today that day - today is special!  You have survived another day of quarantine!  Make up your menu's for a week or two! I use the glass menu board shown below., and I make menu's at least a week ahead of time - most of the time two weeks ahead.  That way I don't have to go to the store often - which right now is perfect - every two weeks!  I make a grocery list as I do the menu's so its on the list.  If I know I won't make it to the store soon I make sure to have my first few menu items be things I know I have on hand.  Makes life a little easier and no one goes hungry.

Time to read those books that have been sitting, waiting for the Time to be right - to dive into another world and live vicariously through someone else's words.  Maybe to escape this world for a bit, maybe to learn something new, or maybe to learn about our people by what they are reading.

Time to learn about your loved ones - really listen to them when they tell you things, even hard things - because, as we are learning, we can do hard things.  And there will be HARD things with this Corona Virus Pandemic.  Very Hard things.  Things that we don't want to think about, talk about, or see and things that make us change the course of our lives.  We can do hard things, yes we can.  Just begin.

If we try though - there will be joyful things as well.  Memories made with people who love us.  Gas is cheap so when things opens up a little, maybe a road trip would be possible to a camping spot that has been wanting to be seen.  A picnic to see the swans in a nearly still frozen lake or river.  A trek on a new trail to somewhere, or nowhere.  Together - apart - taking time.

Be Well and Blessed Be.

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