Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Dog Days of Quarantine!

A few weeks ago, I had to quarantine to wait for COVID test results!  It took 5 days!  I'm not a teacher so I couldn't get in the fast lane for results.  So I stayed home.  Normally this is not a problem as I usually have more than enough supplies to get me through anything - quarantine included!

However...... I did NOT have enough dog cookies!  As you can see by the sad pitiful face and the resigned nap slouch, the fur babies were not happy!  Brix (left) would sit and "nudge" my hand while I was trying to do anything and Ripley (right) would just sit in the entry, thinking a cookie would magically appear!  Pitiful!

I remembered some dog treat recipes I had saved from some time ago - just in case! So I got them out and started to fab up a cookie that my pooches would love! It was fortunate for me that someone had given me a bag of whole wheat flour a long time ago, when they discovered that they can't eat it anymore!  Ripley is allergic to seafood/fish, so we have to make sure we have treats that don't have any of that.  Many of the store bought treats have fish oil in them, so home made is best.

I googled to see if stale whole wheat flour would hurt my dogs and found that it in fact will not!  So I googled some more and came up with this recipe:

3 C Whole wheat flour (stale is ok)
3 C. oatmeal
2 eggs
2 C bone broth 
(Pinterest has lots of recipes for this - I use one with Turmeric in it - see below)
1 C. Peanut Butter

I use this bone broth in my cookies.  We actually got this for Reedo as a recovery product and joint assist after one of his surgeries.  I am not putting the brand on it as I don't want them to hate me, but this stuff is awful!  We have not been able to find a way to eat or drink it that it is palatable!  The dogs on the other hand, love it!  This is the only use I will have for this product and when it is gone, I will make my own bone broth.  Pinterest has lots of recipes for bone broth - check it out.

Mix all the delicious doggy goodness up in a bowl.  It will be thick like a heavy cookie dough.

I roll mine into "cookie slice" rolls and refrigerate them for an hour or so.  It isnt mandatory but makes it easier to get your "cookies" uniform.

Slice them into 1/4' rounds (as much as possible) and put on a lined or greased cookie sheet.  If you are using the dough right out of the bowl, drop by teaspoonful onto the sheet and then press flat with the spoon or with a fork like peanut butter cookies.  Bake at 350 degrees for an hour, or until desired crispiness has been developed and your cookies are golden brown!

Store the finished cookies in airtight containers.  If you don't cook all the cookies you can freeze the dough just like regular cookie dough and use when you next need dog treats or are on quarantine and run out!  Im pretty sure my pups will be turning their noses up at store bought cookies from now on - of course! 

When the alarm rang on the first day I was allowed back at work, Brix cried as if to say "What?!? We are doing this again?"  But a good cookie as I went out the door solved that toot sweet!

I hope that you have blessed days with your pets, and may you never run out of cookeis!

Blessed be.

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