Sunday, November 8, 2020

Daily Affirmations - the Struggle is Real!

 This past week and weekend I had the opportunity to ....stay home some more!!!  Of Course!  The weather was crappy and our school was closed again - I work at home when that happens, using all sorts of technology that may or may not work correctly where I live, or when the weather is terrible! On the weekends and after hours, my time is mine and there is so much to do and so little time!!  I was feeling a bit "frenetic" as I call it and I knew I was headed for a meltdown if I didn't get my poop in a group so to speak!

This is what it looks like at the farm right now - yes that is snow and what you cant see in the picture is that it is raining! On top of the snow!  Then it snows some more!  Then it rains again!  So Frustrating!

So I got out my "Gifts of the Goddess" cards and decided I should pull a card for inspiration for the day.  I already had at least four lists on my desks and just couldnt get to a space where I could settle down and get some of the things crossed off of them.  These are daily affirmation type cards by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber.

As I pulled a card and looked at it, I kept feeling like I needed to pull another.  Not sure if I just wasn't in the zone at the time or maybe I wasn't listening the way I needed to about what card I needed, or that I just couldn't settle down and relax into the vibe,  but I ended up pulling 7 cards!  Yes that is a 7!  One is behind another in the picture.  I decided in order to not get overwhelmed I better pare it down somehow so I went throught the 7 cards and felt my feelings as I read them and was able to pare it down to two for the day.

Here is what I ended up with:  " I am patient in the face of obstacles and delays"  and "I am flexible and can adapt to the challenges of our modern age"!  Perfect!

So the Patience card says "use this gift when you are upset because you.....are encountering situations that you obvoiusly have no control over at the time.  Patience is a great teacher - a sign of maturity and wisdom.  If approached with calm and patience, difficult situations have a remarkable way of working out".

SO... in addition to the weather,  here is one of the obstacles and delays that tested me this weekend!

Here are the two screws that fell out of my office chair for no reason at all whatsoever!  It took me only about half an hour to figure out where they came from and get the thing back together - should have been shorter but.... I have two dogs.  Nuff said.

Last week I also had fatal death of my cell phone.  Luckily I realized that it was dying and was able to save everything to the "cloud" (where ever that is).  I was able to get a new cell phone the next day, but now it is a learning curve again that I would like to have avioded.  

In addition, the Viking Queen sewing maching had to have a part ordered - I HAVE run 80 bobbins through it since April, yeah.....breakdown was probably overdue!  My Viking guy (Gary from Garys Sewing Works) was abe to talk me through the problem over the phone and I have the part on the way.  Still an obstacle that I am feeling thwarted by this week.  Even with back up machines!

The election has also been a stressor and a challenge this past week.  Just all jacked up!

Second card says "I am flexible and can adapt to the challenges of our modern age.  Use this gift when information overload, constant change,  and ....the rapid pace of modern life owerwhelm you.  Modern "convienences" have eliminated the cushion of time necessary to properly absorb and consider information and concepts.  To achieve true knowledge and wisdom, you must take time each day for quiet reflection".

So I stopped.  I stopped making lists and trying to follow them and I looked out at the beautiful snow that will protect my plants for the winter and I reflected.  I reflected on all that I have here in my warm house, with my winter herbs growing in the window.  I watched the landscape begin to look "a lot like Christmas", and as the flakes slowly floated down, I rested for a moment in peace.

I hope that you can find the time to reflect in the coming days, and to get to a place of peace in turmoil.

Blessed be.

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