Sunday, December 20, 2020

Gifty Goodies!

 This year at the school we were so happy to see the Christmas break that I think most of us just went home and collapsed in a heap!  I did at least!  I needed that nap so so bad!  We have been "at school" in building since the middle of August with only two breif closures that we did "remote learning".  It has been so hard and stressful for us, for the kids, and for the parents too.

We had sort of a "fun day" at the school with the kids for the last day and it was nice to see that there could still be some joy to be found with the kids - socially distant and mask wearing all the while.  We had classrooms with board games, and some with movies, and some with crafts projects, as well as Gingerbread House making!  So Fun!  We also had a contest for door decorating - My door won a prize!

I did not decorate my door - the young man you see above did - he has done it for the past couple of years and we (he) always are in the top three!  In case  you cant tell that is an elfen ski slope complete with lifts and snow drifts and and a ski lodge!  My door won second!  

We also had a "Secret Santa" gift exchange this year among the staff at the school, but I had already started making some gifts for some of my people (stay tuned for those) so I didnt really do that, but I did get some wonderful gifts from some of my peeps that I thought I would share with you!

My people know me well!  These won't break the bank but they are gifts of the heart!  Tea and Chocolate and a little popcorn and you can't go wrong!

The popcorn bag says "Here's to a Poppin Winter Break" and the Cocoa packet is a wonderful "Melted Chocolate Snowman"  With all the fixins!  

This is parts of a couple different packages with treats in them, but they all warmed my tired heart and filled my bucket with joy!  

When I got home and realized I get to have a few days off, I got started on some gifty things that will go to family members and friends, or will be stocking stuffers.  I thought I would show you a few more gifts that don't break the bank and will warm hearts too!

These little jars are infused honey.  There is Rosemary, Thyme, and Sage honey and I printed out little labels to show what can be done with these.  All three of these can be used as cough medicines in some way, or in recipes! 

Then I realized how huge the tag labels were and I reprinted them so they would fit the jars better. 

These are simple little gifts to make.  Some small jars with lids that wont leak, some raw honey and some fresh or dried herbs.  I grew these herbs in my garden, and in the indoor garden window.  Smash the herbs a little to start releasing the oils and place them in the jar (about 1/4 full for dried herbs and half full for fresh).  Cover the herbs with the honey and stir to remove air bubbles.  Finish filling the jar and stir again to remove air.  Let sit in a warm spot for a few weeks to infuse, label the jar and put a bow on top - gift away!

Here is one of the labels - I knew most of this information but Google has tons too.

Rosemary Infused Honey

Ingredients; Raw Honey, Fresh Rosemary

Rosemary honey is so versatile!  Rosemary is a memory herb, providing clarity of thought and easy retrieval of memories. It is also an immune and circulatory booster, and helps relieve muscle pain.

Use it in tea, or just by the teaspoonful!

Also useful in dressing, BBQ, chicken, pork and the list is endless!

Check out Country Living Apple Pie with Rosemary Honey recipe for something new and tasty!

Here is another easy gifty idea that makes a nice change from all the sweets at Christmas and the holidays.  It makes a good hearty meal and a pretty jar on top of that!

Cowboy Beans!

You can review the recipe on my earlier post here.  It is a staple here at the farm and we have these often, even in the summer.  Works great in a crock pot or in a Dutch oven in the oven and would even work on a wood stove.

All it takes are a couple of jars, some dry beans, and a spice packet (check the recipe for ingredients).  I use the little "snack" bags that are zip top bags to put the spices in.  You can easily add this to a neighbors or co-workers gift bag, or give one to a family you know has a need, and a lot of mouths to feed!

If they might not have all the ingredients, it would also be easy to build a gift basket with the ingredients as a gift - leftover meat goes well with this one too!  The jar on the left is a double batch for a bigger family.

Ill have some "quilty" gifts to show you later - might not be before Christmas, but it will give you a head start on next year!

I won't lie....the Holiday season is still VERY hard for all of us here.  We try to keep marching and put smiles on our faces and do the things we are "supposed" to do.  We do our best and that is all we can do.  It is okay if that is all you can do too.  

I hope your holidays are warm and wonderful, and that you have enough.

May 2021 be better and not the drunk sibling of 2020!

Blessed be.

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