Friday, January 1, 2021

Of Wonder and Light

Our local NANA Construction company is company that makes (builds) North Slope Oil Field equipment and housing modules.  They provide local jobs to our community and  they also support the community in other ways.  A couple of weeks ago I was driving by and saw their crane set up and holding a strange contraption.  Being in the drilling industry I can recognize a lot of the equipment that gets built and held by a crane, but this I did not recognize!

This sits on Big Lake Road. The main road into our community and the one just about everyone takes to get into Big Lake.  Hundreds of cars per day pass this contraption.

I looked underneath and though it was a cage of some type.  Maybe a new fangled crab trap or other marine net trap?  It hung there for a few days until.....

They lit it up!  Literally lit it up!

A Beautiful lighted contribution to the community for all to see and enjoy. 

Happy New Year and Blessed Be!

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