Sunday, May 22, 2022

A Taste of Spring Alaska Style!

Spring has finally come to the Burg here in Big Lake, Alaska and it is about darn time! It has been a long cold winter, and seemed that it was also just dark and gloomy for most of it.  This has been one of the longest years I can remember and I am so happy for spring and growing things! 

One of my favorite things this time of year is that there is the beginnings of the green of new forage for people and animals - nutritious and delicious things to give us a break from the same ol' same ol' of the grocery!

Here we have some young dandelion leaves coming up in the brick patio.  Rich in vitamins, iron and minerals, this is the spinach of the wild.  I use young dandelion leaves in salads just like spinach or lettuce, wilted in pasta, or julienned and baked in a quiche!  No matter how you prepare it, it is delicious!  Make sure you are getting young leaves- old ones are a bit tough and stringy.  As with anything you are harvesting wild, also make sure it is not a favorite pee spot for pets or wild things - including wild men!

Here we have young fireweed shoots!  Use these just like asparagus shoots.  Strip the leaves, bake, roast or grill the stalks for a delicious side dish - these are also delicious included in salads or cooked in quiche, and we have even put a little batter on them and deep fried them a time or two!

Of all of the deliciousness that grows right outside our doorways here, this is really a treat and a treasure!  Only available for a short time in the spring, Fiddlehead fern- which is basically young fern shoots but they come up in a curlicue fashion that makes them look like the head of a fiddle - hence the name.  They are rich in vitamins A, C, carotenes, potassium, manganese, iron and with only 34 calories, they also carry a protein punch of about 4.5 grams!  That's a powerful plant right there!  Saute'd with a little butter or olive oil, salt and pepper, they make a delicious side dish on their own, or add them to a stir fry, and my personal favorite - put an egg on top and call it breakfast!

No matter how much the supply chain breaks down or items become hard to find- Springtime in Alaska makes it a lot easier to find your perfect flavor!

Be well and happy spring!

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