Saturday, July 2, 2022

Why is is so Friggin Hot Here?!

 It's been a few minutes since you have heard from me hasn't it?!  That's because it has been so hot here that having the computer on and close to me is just about intolerable due to the heat that it puts off and how hot it has been here.  I am currently sitting at the kitchen table, writing as the chickweed dries without a dehydrator needed!  (right photo below) I also have been too tired from trying to keep plants and people and pets alive in this heat!

We're just getting to the point that the house is as warm as the outdoors, then it goes the other way and we open the windows to lot the cooler air in! (left photo - actually only 9:59 pm - but still)

Usually in Alaska we are begging for spring to come and for it to warm up a bit and for the snow/rain/sleet to GO AWAY! We did beg this year for the winter to finally be gone - it was long and stormy and hard!  You can read about some of the winter here if you missed that post. Lately though, it has been once again a Tenth of a Degree from Hades here in the burg with temps reaching 92 degrees and no rain in sight - for at least 10 more days!  I thought 2019 was hot but it has nothing on this year!  I have the Swamp Cooler going full speed ahead and we are at least semi comfortable in the house.  Outside is miserable!  For me at least!

We have been watering and watering here and at the school and we are still not keeping up with the drying sun and wind - the breeze just evaporates everything we put down, whether we use a sprinkler or a bucket to water.  I lost a head of lettuce due to dry - even though the sprinkler had been on the bed about 20 hours before and soaked it through.

See that poor little guy in the middle left?  Darn it!  Of course there is a random tomato in there (lower right of the bed)!  Just cant let them go when they want to live!  Tomato Problem!

The greenhouse is doing well - it has eaves that help to keep it shaded during the hottest part of the days and with the windows open I can get a little cross breeze in there with a fan!  

Poor Reedo is having to work outside with safety gear in this heat and I am reminded often of when we travelled with the kids to Arizona to see Aunt Chelle in June one year for a hockey clinic for Rye.  Reed was just 4 years old and had never experienced any heat to speak of.  It was 116 degrees in the shade, and we couldnt let the boys go in the pool, or scooter on the sidewalk - it was so hot their shoes were melting and the wheels on the scooters were getting soft!
Reed always thought it was too hot for clothes there - including swim suit!  Or he may have outgrown his before we got there!?

At the time, Aunt Chelle's house was a no swearing house, and I of course, swear like dock worker on a bad day! Sometimes my kids do too!  Just sayin'!  So Reed is in his underwear and nothing else, Rye is at the cool and delightful rink, and we are in Aunt Chelles kitchen trying to stay cool and I was loading her dishwasher.  Just as she comes in the door from the garage with a bag of groceries, Reed yells "WHY is it so FRIGGIN' HOT HERE?!?!"
I swear Aunt Chelle nearly dropped the groceries!  She definitely dropped her jaw!

The next day, we didn't just drop Rye off for his clinic at the rink - Reed and I stayed in the cool arena area- me reading a book and Reedo being a Rink Rat running around enjoying the hockey.  One of the coaches came over and said "Mama - you don't have to stay - we will take good care of your boy!"  To which I replied - "Its an inferno out there and nice and cool in here!  We'll just hang out for a bit!"  He laughed and skated away......
They did make it to a baseball game - Dimondbacks are awesome Mom!!  It was a night game so a little cooler for everyone!

Im hoping it cools off soon because my bum is also stuck to this chair and I have had to put towels on my office chair in order to get any work done!  Otherwise I am feeling less than ladylike in the office and sometimes cant get out of the chair!  I know you girls can relate!

Here's to a nice summer without getting baked like a toasted cheese!  Blessed Be and drink your water!

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