Monday, February 13, 2023

Cake.....Because F&*K Snow!!!

UGHHHHHHH......  We had a great Superbowl day - none of us cared who won and we really were just watching for the Ads!  My favorite was the one with the flag football player!  But....... 
It snowed all day!  And most of the night!  And it got deeper and deeper and our road got down to only one lane and hasn't been plowed still 24 hours later!

See the above photo?  Notice anything missing?  Yes!!!  The LOVE sign is gone!  No idea where it went!  It went missing in the last storm when the wind blew so foul and fierce that you couldn't breathe when you went outside!  It better be somewhere out there with the rooster that you aso can't see!  Because.... SNOW!

This is after about the fourth time we started sweeping off the truck!  Even the snow plow guy couldn't get in today!   This morning I texted my people at the school and said "UGHHHHH ......Slow moving team today!"  Meaning I was having trouble getting started with the day and might be a few minutes late (which I was not - to be clear)!  They responded with "Just be safe the roads are S*&T!"

Once at work getting fired up for the day, and mostly saying on the phone "Yes Virginia! There IS school today!", a co-worker brought in a pate with a lovely cake on it - already sliced and ready to go in our bellies!  She had a little card on it - as she always does when she brings in treats, in case there are allergies or just flavors that arent preferred.  She is an amazing baker!  I would marry her tomorrow just for her cooking!  I glanced at the card, but didnt read all the way to the bottom until a little later in the day......

The card says "Biscotti Pound Cake - Because F*&K Snow!"

May you be blessed with funny coworkers and amazing bakers on the days when you are a slow moving team, and know that you are not alone in your feelings about the newest round of snow!

Be amazing and Blessed Be!

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