Monday, December 11, 2023

Brix and Naughty Ike get some Cookies!!!

 Every once in a while the "Suzy Homemaker" in me kicks in hard and I end up making a big mess for a seemingly smal project!  This time it was for dog cookies!  Yes Homemade dog cookies!

You see - I had got a "bad batch" of dog chews - one of those things that is supposed to be so so safe for my boys but ends up making the old boy (Brix) barf!  A lot!!!  Maybe had some fish in it that I missed or something?  Who knows!

So I set about doing a bit of a cleanse of sorts for them - home made with ingredients I know what is in them, and with some healthful ingredients for joints and such!!  Bone broth with turmeric- its a powder- which in reality I only have because we got it for the boys playing hockey and it is terrible!  It should have a warning on the side that says "only for making dog cookies"! Awful tasting stuff!  But great in dog cookies!  These are Brix favorite - Ike doesn't care as long as he gets cookies!

I know you thought Naughty Ike got into the people cookies when you started this post! 

I made these a few times before - the dough freezes well and the cookies do too but I usually  only make enough for one treat bucket full and then freeze the dough to bake later.  Yes!  You will get to the recipe!  Keep reading!

I have had to start using the Kitchen Aid mixer with the paddle, as my hand is still not great for gripping and stirring thick dough or batter.  It works like a charm though and speeds up the process greatly!

Zoom!  It will slop the dough all over the place if you are using the small bowl - which I was - Bad Suzy!  I made these once and had to run to the garage right after I took them out of the oven.  Hubby had a half of a cookie in his hand and a sad look on his face..... "this is not a keeper recipe - these are awful!  Too Crunchy and a weird taste! What is that weird taste?"

"Uhmmmm......Dog Cookie flavor maybe?"

Altogether now...."Aghhhh!"

Farm fresh eggs in the mix!  Dont worry!  This is a cooked recipe so no Salmonella here!  Or whatever is the thing you get from eating raw eggs - actually I mostly dont worry about that much!  Ha!

I have two ways to freeze the dough - depending on if I am going to make shapes or just cut them and cook - or how much space I have in the freezer!  You can roll them up into a log and freeze that way in parchment paper and Saran wrap, or put them in a Ziplock quart bag and freeze.  In the flat packet you can cut them out using cookie cutters and make fun fish and star shapes.  You know like a Christmas cookie.

I also wrap the dough in Saran first if I am going to use parchment paper.  For this batch I had to put the parchment paper packet out in the grill to freeze - the dogs dont care if it has a little smoke flavor too.

The Ziplock bag I freeze flat in the freezer and then when Im ready to cook I can just slice the whole packet into squares and put them on the sheet tray and in the oven.  Easy peasy!

Be sure to label them - Regular cookie dough and Dog cookie dough look a lot alike!

For this particular batch of baked ones (as opposed to frozen dough) I just dropped them by spoonful onto the parchment paper and then flattened them a little - sort of like peanut butter cookies!  

Beautiful bucket o' cookies!  Baked and ready to treat!
Here's the recipe:

Brix Best Dog Cookies
Preheat oven to 350*
 1 15 oz. can puree pumpkin                                            
2 C Bone Broth with Turmeric (or whatever works for you - low salt and no weird sugars) 
3-1/2 C Whole wheat flour -or whatever your dog can have (one of the grand dogs cant have wheat!
3-4 cups rolled oats (i use regular but I think quick cookin would work too.
2 eggs
1 C. Peanut Butter - I use a mix of crunchy and smooth

Mix all ingredients well until a smooth dough/batter forms.  Drop by tablespoon onto a parchment lined sheet pan and bake for 50 minutes or until desired crunchiness is obtained!  Crunchy is better to make sure they are cooked through.  

Cool completely and store in an airtight container.

Take care of your Fur Babies and yourself and blessed be!

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