Thursday, January 18, 2018

A little water goes a long way!

We struggle to get recycling here at the farm and at the school.  Water and Gatorade bottles abound and there are always half full bottles sitting around unclaimed!  One of the great things we do at the school is that when each class graduates they give a gift to the school - kind of a "legacy gift" so to speak.  In 2016 the class that graduated that year gave the school a water fountain that has a water bottle refill station!  It is awesome!  It also has a digital counter on it that tells us how many water bottles have been kept out of the landfill by using the water bottle refill station.  A very cool feature!

Above shows the water fountain installed.  We had a different water fountain here - one that did not refill water bottles, leaked, and didnt count the bottles kept out of the landfill either!

About every other week we announce in our daily's how many bottles have been kept out of the landfill and the kids love it (staff too).  It is exciting for them to see and hear how they are making a difference with each sip of water!

Above photo shows the digital counter and you can see that it says 1602.  That is in a very short period of time and when I checked it today just a week later (I took that photo on January 11, 2018) It now reads 2067!!!!!  More than 400 bottles kept out of the landfill in just a 7 day space of time!!  In a school with only about 400 students and staff!

I love to walk by it and see the number go up each time I go by!  We have a water bottle station in the office (water cooler style) and sometimes I purposely dont refill there - I get my steps in and I can see how our counter is doing.  

Think about how your sips of water might be able to change the world - or at least the culture in one building at a time!

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