Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Things to remember

My mother in law (hubby's mother) passed away a month ago, exactly 16 months after we lost Rye.  We have been going through her things with Hubby's dad and she had boxes of cross stitch magazines that had projects marked that she wanted to do, and notes made and nothing that we can make heads or tails of but obviously she had a plan!  As we were going through her sewing things and patterns we could tell most of the time who that pattern might have been for.  Some she had already started, and we found at least 8 completed projects that had not yet been framed - just waiting.  There were also lots of memories in those boxes.

So I came home the other night and looked around my sewing room and I have stacks of magazines that someone would have to go through if something happened to me and they take up a lot of room.  So I have been going through them and am pulling out the  projects that I love and want to keep to put in a fabric drawer that will go in the  book case - you can see it below amid the stacks!  Yes - a hot mess!  And you already know from an earlier post that I am a list maker!

As I was going through my books and magazines and projects, folded up in the edges of one of them was this torn out sheet from my favorite Celtic store (Gaelsong.com) and of course a torn out quilt picture.  The plaque says "Things to Remember".

As I read it I thought how appropriate it is for the space that I am in right now.  Isn't it amazing how we find the things to keep us going just when we need them sometimes.  Sometimes I don't find them and I lay down and have to take a break!  But today....

I will "Love your life & what you have been given.  It is not accidental.  Search for your purpose and do it as best you can.  Forgive, it frees the soul.  Recognize the special people you've been blessed to know.  And above all...Make every moment count."

Blessed be.

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