Monday, July 13, 2020

Spilled Stars - out of the Heavens, the stars spilled down and a child was born

I have been often amazed recently by the resilience of babies.  Friends of Rye and Reeds are starting to begin their own families now and every time I hear about one of their little ones being born, I always feel as though a million stars have been spilled out of the heavens to create such a perfect being.  Weather they are months early or on time and have some issues or begin the journey in fine shape, they all seem to start out as a spark of brilliant light, a great lightness of being that brings joy to even the heaviest heart.  

I create quilts - as you all know by now - and it has been a lifesaving outlet for me since Rye passed.  It allows me to create something that is both comforting and visible. Tangible.  Real.

So began the Spilled Stars quilt. 

I started this quilt when friends of Rye's messaged me that they were expecting.  They were getting a boy.  It just sort of came to me with that feeling that stars were spilling out of the heavens to bless them with a child.  I also have the connection that "there among the stars" is Rye. 

For you quilters out there - it is all half square triangles making the stars and then filling in with squares and rectangles to make up the rest.  Easy peasy!  The blocks range from 4" to 12" and all in between.  Just like the stars in the sky.

The fabric I used was all snowflakes.  It just sort of made sense to have the snowflakes falling with the stars.  

The stars were easy to make, but then when it came to putting them together I struggled with the "randomness" that was required to make it look like the stars were "spilling", sort of, down the quilt.  I usually like everything to be even, square and not random.  I have been working on that skill, especially during this lock down, when things require a little more flexibility and "randomness"!  

Here is the finished quilt.  I am really happy with the way it turned out, and I know the baby's parents liked it too!  I always worry that the parents won't use the quilts.  It has to be used or all of the work and love put into it is just wasted time.  A useless item.   I have a friend that I made a baby quilt for and she never used it for the baby.  They will give it to her for her babies - its 23 years old now.  Its like the things you save for a special occasion and they never get used.  Ever.  

When the stars spill out of the heavens - you gotta use that stuff!  That is LOVE!  Wrap up in it and soak it in - or wrap the baby in it so they can soak it up!

Be well and blessed everyone - and look there among the stars!

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