Monday, July 6, 2020

Funny thing about that FitBit...

I got a FitBit last year through a program that my insurance offers for us called Go365.  Its an activity program that helps keep track of the physical fitness (or lack thereof), and encourages us to earn points by being active that we can use to get prizes.  We can compete with each other or form teams with friends to earn points and have fun being active.  It can be done as a "socially distancing" event too, which is a good thing.  Fun with friends from a distance!

It was hard at first during the quarantine lock down, to get my steps in - I wasn't going daily to a building that lends itself to walking around and we had 4 feet of snow on the yard.  Now that it is summer and there is lots of yard work to be done on the 4.5 acres, the steps are getting done!

I have been trying to get my "steps" in every day - for the most part.  Supposedly it is very healthy to take at least 10,000 steps per day!  Of course, I found out after getting a FitBit and starting to do the 10K steps a day that it was advised by a Japanese company that developed pedometers!  Of course!

My FitBit and my liver spotted hand!  I got the magenta one!

But since I have been doing the steps I have lost some weight, and I feel better and am able to do more most of the time.  Unless I step 20,000 steps per day and then I am done in and useless the next day!  I have not worked up to the 20K realm yet - one of my friends does 50K a day!  She is a freak and a rock star!  I have also found that if I sit too much that I get stiff and my joints don't work as well - so I keep on steppin'!

The FitBit has and App (of course) that it syncs to on the I-phone and that app connects to the GO365 App on the Iphone along with a bunch of other health stuff.  It is what keeps track of the points and the prizes. I like the prizes!  I also like knowing how I'm doing with the activity levels!

So the other day I was working in the yard, pulling weeds and re-doing a rock area around the side of the house.  It was very repetitive work, satisfying, but repetitive.  Pull the rocks out, pull some weeds, put the rocks back, pull some rocks out, pull the weeds, put the rocks back.

Here is the before area - can't see any rocks right?

Ta Dah!  Here is the after - that is from left to right, Mona Lisa Lilly, Carl Rosenfeld Peony, Blue star Clematis, and Sttar of India Clematis with a Peony Vetchii on the end.

Why do you need to know all this when I'm talking about the FitBit?  Because not only did I get steps for that project, I got three hours of swimming workout!!!!  FitBit even said I was an "Over Achiever" that day!  It was a great workout, but it wasn't swimming!  I got a good laugh out of that one though!

Then last night - I was just short of my step count and I was in the sewing room working on some projects - I just figured that I would just miss the 10K for the day.  So I set the phone to sync with the FitBit and kept sewing.  Then I noticed something.....the FitBit was adding steps as I sewed- sitting in my rolly chair "riding the Viking" as we say these days!  

Seems as though the way I hold my hand on the table of the Viking imitates the motion of a step!  What a deal!  I made my steps after all that day - just had to quilt a little longer!

Whether you have a FitBit or not, I hope that you can get out and get some steps in every day, and if not maybe just move some rocks, or quilt a bit!

Be well, be blessed, and keep steppin'!

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