Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Golden Birthday! A Reedo Episode

 Often times I get caught up in whose stories are whose in my life and who should get to tell them.  Its not that I dont want all the stories told, but that my kids who are still here to tell their own stories should be allowed to do just that - tell their stories!

Once in a while though it really IS my story - but also Reeds and so I will tell the story of his Golden Birthday!  He turned 24 on the 24th, which is what put the "golden" in the event!

(One year old here and so cute in his litte plaid jumper)

Since he was born early in the morning and bloody and purple from "difficult birth circumstances" he has always been very food motivated and has mostly never stopped smiling!  He was our "Rainbow Baby" and so, so very special from the very get go!  We had to keep food next to his bed because he would grow so fast that he was starving in the middle of the night often and if there wasnt food there he would wake up the house trying to make something!
Always very independent and resilient, Reedo would climb the fridge shelves to get to the butter - that lasted until he was about three and we figured out if we kept a protein bar handy always, it would cure what ails him!  He was the one who taught me that "hangry is a THING!"  "I do it my own self" was his mantra as he grew into the amazing human that he is, and when he was smaller, until he was about four his nick name was "Osama Bin Reedie", because he was always so busy and he lived up to his Aries sign with his "head down horns first" tenacity!
The nickname stuck until Nana said it was time for a new one - so Osama Bin Reedie became Boone - or Reedo Bandito!  Much better!
He loved and still loves his Carhartts from the Hat to the Socks after he outgrew his tiny Harley coat it was Carhartts or bust!
It has always been a special occaision when Reedo got a haircut - the mullet has been king since he was about two years and could actually grow one!  Above is right after he got it cut off and he really didn't love the haircut result but....still smiling... and very handsome if I do say so myself!

Mullets back!

He has always been the Fisher King and that has been his go to when he couldn't play hockey (you know you can fish all year right - not just when there is ice)?

Hockey always trumped just about everything - except maybe fishing - but maybe sometimes- still not sure on that one!  Reed had "older brother factor" since Rye was 7 years older than he was and often had to take Reed with him to clinics, practices, games, shinny, and pick up hockey.  Reed always got a chance to play with the "big guys" until he got to be one of them and stood out as a Champion always!
But sometimes on special occaisions - like birthdays - he would do other stuff too!  Like play pool while we waited for the food to come!

We were of course so happy to have a guy get to 24 at all and for it to be Reedos Golden birthday made it even better!  While we also breathed a bit of a sigh of relief too.... and watched im open his presents and enjoyed his presence!

Among friends in the house he grew up in..... one of the kindest, most generous of spirit and of money or things, a good friend and the best son that a mother could ask for!

May you be blessed with continued great friendships, many, many more birthdays, and fireworks always whenever the occaision strikes you!  Happy Golden Birthday Month Reedo Bandito!

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